respek: mark neill tim chipman joel m fisher paul hedgepeth james zhao i asked: " i backup from hosttwo to hostone by piping find into cpio and piping that into rsh hostone "dd ibs=1k obs=64k of=/dev/rmt/0u" but i've been asked to test how we would get data back off a tape and onto hosttwo. can't just install the drive in hosttwo because we have no scsi cards available. thats the obvious bummer. i can get data back off the tape, but i can't pipe it away straight to hosttwo without writing to the disk on hostone (which wouldn't store the data anyway as its about 12gb). " the answer: been barking up the wrong tree, i have. they suggested using ufsdump/ufsrestore which is quite simple really, but something that i've never needed to use in the past. a couple of man pages is all it took really something like: ufsdump 0fu remotehost:/dev/rmt/<target> <directory to backup> make sure /.rhosts on the machine with the tape drive has the name of the machine to backup then ufsrestore -ivfs remotehost:/dev/rmt/<target> 1 to restore. it won't happen exactly like this, cos of individual aspects of the machines and so on, but this is the way forward. ta mark ********************************************************************** This email is intended only for the addressee. This email and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the named addressee or the person responsible for delivering the message to the named addressee, please contact This email has been scanned by MIMEsweeper. Visit the Prebon Marshall Yamane web site at **********************************************************************Received on Tue Apr 24 16:39:22 2001
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