Finally, things are solved. There were a number of issues, but after replacing the 10Mbit card on the NetBackup server with a 100Mbit.. it still didn't work. I was having collisions on qfe3 on all my machines that had this as their network card. I turned off auto negotiation on the Cisco 6502.. and .. it still didn't work. Finally I realized that I had to set the qfe3 interface to be 100 Mbit Full duplex.. For some reason they were running half duplex... So.. the following commands did it for me. ndd -set /dev/qfe instance 3 ; ndd -set /dev/qfe adv_100T4_cap 0 ; ndd -set /dev/qfe adv_100fdx_cap 1 ; ndd -set /dev/qfe adv_100hdx_cap 0 ; ndd -set /dev/qfe adv_10fdx_cap 0 ; ndd -set /dev/qfe adv_10hdx_cap 0 ; ndd -set /dev/qfe adv_autoneg_cap 0 ; Thanks ganang for the info... I kept doing it for the hme interface.. until I woke up and realized that it was the qfe3 that I was having issues with.. To determine what is going on with your interfaces, you need to go over the following, using the qfe interface for the hme! # ndd -get /dev/hme link_status # ndd -get /dev/hme link_speed # ndd -get /dev/hme link_mode link_status (read only) 0 for Link Down 1 for Link up link_speed (read only) 0 for 10 Mbps 1 for 100 Mbps link_mode (read only) 0 for Half-Duplex mode 1 for Full-Duplex mode Also.. a side note. I've been working with the Veritas support people for several weeks.. They did NOT come up with this. I had a contractor initially set this up. It never did work. It was never tested. They also were asked to help, and did nothing. Thanks to this list!! Original Post I'm using NetBackup to backup a number of machines. I've just noticed that a backup of a 12G started at 11 last night and is still going on.. ( 12 hours + later) and it is still not even close to being finished. What do I need to look at to figure out just what's going on? I did some test backups yesterday, and they seemed to take a long time. How can I get the following info. Network Speed of the Sparc 20 the drive is connect to. Throughput through the firewall that this info is going through. Does anyone have any tips on how I could debug this? Thanks! sueReceived on Wed May 2 01:34:31 2001
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