Once again, this list responds in record time... 12 minutes from initial posting! My original problem: > So can the pkg* tools (pkginfo, pkgadd, pkgrm) provide the same > functionality? I spend time reading the pkginfo man page and it doesn't > seem like there is a way to do it with that tool. > Baring a tool, is there a way to get access to the pkg database? I've > poked around /var/sadm but could find nothing useful. The wise respond: ----- Forwarded message from Dan Astoorian <djast@cs.toronto.edu> ----- From: Dan Astoorian <djast@cs.toronto.edu> On Mon, 07 May 2001 15:09:27 EDT, Phil Scarr writes: > > So can the pkg* tools (pkginfo, pkgadd, pkgrm) provide the same > functionality? I spend time reading the pkginfo man page and it doesn't > seem like there is a way to do it with that tool. Do you know about pkgchk? > Baring a tool, is there a way to get access to the pkg database? I've > poked around /var/sadm but could find nothing useful. /var/sadm/install/contents is the most obviously useful file. ----- End forwarded message ----- ----- Forwarded message from "Becher, Jim" <Jim.Becher@CoreExpress.net> ----- From: "Becher, Jim" <Jim.Becher@CoreExpress.net> pkgchk -l <package> It's not exactly the same as rpm -q -l <RPM>... -jim ----- End forwarded message ----- Even though there is no tool to do the reverse query (from file to package), given the contents file, I've written a little shell script that gives me all the functionality I need. Thanks again! -Phil -- GREYMOUSER CONSULTING System, Network and Security Architecture and Administration for Central Virginia (http://www.greymouser.com) * S o l a r i s * H P - U X * L I N U X * W i n d o w s N T *Received on Mon May 7 20:37:40 2001
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