SUMMARY: corrupt /etc/passwd, /etc/group

From: Charles Bookman <>
Date: Sun May 13 2001 - 14:16:43 EDT
Thanks to all that responded! I love this resource.

My problem was that I was using vi to edit /etc/passwd, and /etc/group files.
Normally, I've never had a problem. Another admin entered the picture after me,
and said that he couldn't edit these files with usermod or admintool.
Naturally, I turned to you guys for advice.

The majority of you came up with grpck and pwck. I feel silly now, but at least
I'm familiar with these commands, and they were successful in helping me
diagnose the error.

It was also suggested that I use vipw to edit these files if I have to do it by

"What turned out to be the problem," you ask? My fellow admin added many
accounts with illegal characters.

Kudos to :
Marcos Assis
Dan L. Ostrom
Ric Anderson   
Noel Hunt   
Buddy Lumpkin   
Julian Simpson   
Dan Astoorian   
Michael Auria

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Received on Sun May 13 19:16:43 2001

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