SUMMARY: Re: Ultra1 (Java2SDK1.3.1)

From: Carolyn Mayr <>
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 09:08:00 EDT
The consensus is that the Ultra1s are considerably slower but 
Java2SDK1.3.1 should still run on them.  

I should also have mentioned that the software is not installed
on the Ultra1 but is mounting it from a central server.

Thanks to the following people for their help:

Hendrik Visage <
Mark Gosselin" <
Justin Stringfellow <Justin.Stringfellow@Sun.COM
Elliot West <
William Hathaway <

>Original message:
>I have a lab of Ultra60s and Ultra1s running Solaris8 with 128MB RAM.  
>I read in a FAQ that to run Java2SDK1.3.1 you need a mimumum Ultra10
>running 128MB RAM. Can Java2SDK1.3.1 run on the Ultra1 at all and if so, 
>what are the limitations?  (I'm not a programmer so my knowledge of Java 
>is limited to installation).  I checked the FAQs and docs but I can't 
>find any additional information.  Thanks!  Will summarize.

Carolyn A. Mayr (UNIX System Admin)        Voice: (410) 293-6808 (sec-6800)
Computer Science Department, DivMath&Sci   Email:     
572 Holloway Road, Chauvenet Hall, Stop 9F FAX:   (410) 293-2686
U.S. Naval Academy                         WWW:
Annapolis, MD  21402-5002                  USNA:  (410) 293-1000
Received on Mon Jul 16 14:08:00 2001

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