This is a clarification from Keith. D. Campbell on using IDE drives. I appreciate his input : I missed your original query, other people might have mentioned this: Solaris 7 will only recognize IDE drives upto 32Gig. If you use something like a 40Gig, Solaris 7 will see it as an 8Gig. You have to upgrade to Solaris 8 to use the larger drives. (I heard a rumor that the last release of 7 (11/99?) could handle the larger drives but I don't have that release to test this theory.) I have personally used several 30Gig Maxtor drives in Ultra 5's without problems, other than a sporadic message on the system console about an interrupt 4 not serviced, but that is because I am missing a few patches.Received on Wed Jul 25 14:46:11 2001
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