Thank you Jay, Todd, Bill, Paul <----------- That's Todd that resumes all cron jobs do not get a environment like users do. In my experience, it is safer to place the environment settings you need in the script so that you are guaranteed a known environment. You can source files in your cron scripts too so you could create central script that has all of the default environment settings and then source it at the beginning of each cron job. However, this approach means that you could potentially break cron jobs if you modify that environment definition. --------------------> I tested this, and cron gets from /etc/default/init just TZ, the other variables you put in it, even if you reboot are not passed to cron scripts. <----------- The alternative is /etc/default/init, which gets *all* processes, even if someone were to kill/restart cron by hand. This requires a reboot to take effect. ------------>Received on Thu Sep 20 07:55:24 2001
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