Hi All, Many thanks to all who replied (too many to mention) but all basically told me what I need to know. The current boot device path can be determined with 100% accuracy from the command prtconf -vp | grep bootpath The output from this command can be easily used to determine the boot disk name find /dev/dsk -type l -ls | awk '{print $11,$13}' | \ egrep "\.\.\/\.\.\/devices$boot_path$" But a few other interesting points to consider were mentioned. Darren Dunham and Jon Andrews correctly pointed that option [B] below will not work if the boot-device parameter from eeprom is aliased. Darren also pointed out that it is probably safer to parse the output of the mount command or the /etc/mnttab rather than trust the /etc/vfstab. This may be corrupted at the time of reading. Jon raised a good point that has me wondering. If I am to save information like the disk name&layout, vertias info etc. to be used for a future restore, how can I determine whether I am booted off the mirror or not. I think then that I will get a different boot disk path and name. I will need to check this out some more. Regards and thanks to all again Mossey -- Mossey Fahey TCM Group Ericsson Systems Expertise Limited Phone +353 902 31357 Cornamaddy Mobile +353 87 2211251 Athlone Fax +353 902 31304 Co. Westmeath email mossey.fahey@eei.ericsson.se Ireland Hi All, I wonder if any of you could help me. What I am looking for is a command(s) that will tell me (100% accurate) what the current boot disk eg. /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0. There are a few things you should know about the sytems I will be querying. [1] Solaris version 7 or 8 [2] Boot disk may or may not be encapsulated under Veritas VM. Therefore /etc/vfstab may or may not tell me. [3] I will have root authority [4] The machine will be up to at least single-user mode. [5] The server(s) may or may not have an A5200 storage array [6] The servers will boot either off an internal scsi or a Netra st130. My own possible solutions are [A] If boot disk is not encapsulated, then /etc/vfstab will tell me. [B] eeprom boot-device | nawk -F= '{print $2}' | \ find /dev/dsk -type l -ls | nawk '{print $11"@"$13}' | \ sed -e 's| ||g' | egrep "$dev$" | nawk -F\@ '{print $1}' [C] If the root disk is encapsulated, then the /etc/vfstab will always (is this true) have an entry /dev/vx/dsk/rootvol /dev/vx/rdsk/rootvol / ufs 1 no - If this is the case, then I can determine the boot disk with the rather cumbersome command find /etc/vx/reconfig.d -exec grep rootvol {} /dev/null \; | \ grep "#rename" | nawk -F: '{print $2}' | nawk '{print $2}'| \ egrep 'c[0-9]+t[0-9]+d[0-9]+s[0-9]+' Is there a simpler way of getting this information or which of (if any) will always work. The reason I ask is that I am currently designing a disaster recovery procedure whereby I will need to be sure of the boot disk. I will summarise!!!!!! Regards and thanks MosseyReceived on Wed Oct 17 17:19:24 2001
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