Thanks to: John Marrett Matthew Stier Laurida Chamberlain Steve Camp boe.franklin John Malick Mike's List Steve Sandau and anyone else who may still respond. John Marret's and Laurinda Chamberlain had the most comprehensive answers. John's answer is below. Original post follows after answer. ------Solution------------ tdiag%20disk%20status To quote: When users run prtdiag -v on the Enterprise 450 fully configured with disks they can only see a max of 4 disks e.g. Disk LED Status:OK = GREENERROR = YELLOW DISK 18: [EMPTY]DISK 19: [EMPTY] DISK 16: [EMPTY]DISK 17: [EMPTY] DISK 14: [EMPTY]DISK 15: [EMPTY] DISK 12: [EMPTY]DISK 13: [EMPTY] DISK 10: [EMPTY]DISK 11: [EMPTY] DISK 8: [EMPTY]DISK 9: [EMPTY] DISK 6: [EMPTY]DISK 7: [EMPTY] DISK 4: [EMPTY]DISK 5: [EMPTY] DISK 2: [OK] DISK 3: [OK] DISK 0: [OK]DISK 1: [OK] >From the OBP prompt: ok setenv disk-led-assoc 0 x y where x= 1 to 10 PCI slot where the lowest Ultrascsi cont is installed where y= 1 to 10 PCI slot where the uppermost Ultrascsi cont is installed For example, if ctrl cards are in slot 5 and 7 enter the following: ok setenv disk-led-assoc 0 5 7 if there is only one ctrl installed in slot 5 ok setenv disk-led-assoc 0 5 ok reset ok boot -r to take effect Now run prtdiag -v Disk LED Status: OK = GREEN ERROR = YELLOW DISK 18: [OK] DISK 19: [OK] DISK 16: [OK] DISK 17: [OK] DISK 14: [OK] DISK 15: [OK] DISK 12: [OK] DISK 13: [OK] DISK 10: [OK] DISK 11: [OK] DISK 8: [OK] DISK 9: [OK] DISK 6: [OK] DISK 7: [OK] DISK 4: [OK] DISK 5: [OK] DISK 2: [OK] DISK 3: [OK] DISK 0: [OK] DISK 1: [OK] ----------Original Post----------- SunManagers, Part of my "prtdiag -v" displays: Disk LED Status: OK = GREEN ERROR = YELLOW DISK 10: [EMPTY] DISK 11: [EMPTY] DISK 8: [EMPTY] DISK 9: [EMPTY] DISK 6: [EMPTY] DISK 7: [EMPTY] DISK 4: [EMPTY] DISK 5: [EMPTY] DISK 2: [OK] DISK 3: [OK] DISK 0: [OK] DISK 1: [OK] >From this info I would gather I only have 4 disks in the server however, when I run "format" it shows 9 disks. I have 3 unused slots for disks at this time. AVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS: 0. c0t0d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133> /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/sd@0,0 1. c0t1d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133> /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/sd@1,0 2. c0t2d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133> /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/sd@2,0 3. c0t3d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133> /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/sd@3,0 4. c2t0d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133> /pci@6,4000/scsi@4/sd@0,0 5. c2t1d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133> /pci@6,4000/scsi@4/sd@1,0 6. c2t2d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133> /pci@6,4000/scsi@4/sd@2,0 7. c3t0d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133> /pci@6,4000/scsi@4,1/sd@0,0 8. c3t2d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133> /pci@6,4000/scsi@4,1/sd@2,0 Specify disk (enter its number): Why the difference? Should I be worried? I can't seem to find any information that explains why I would have a difference. THanks in advance. Will summerize. Randy Romero _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list on Mon Dec 17 21:24:03 2001
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