SUMMARY: cron jobs

From: Li, Zhen <>
Date: Mon Mar 18 2002 - 12:50:54 EST
Thanks everyone who has replied, the list will be too long to post it

Most people suggested that check /var/spool/cron/crontabs/*,   but my
concern is that those files,  as well as the cron logs file,  are
edit-able without notifying cron daemon, and cron daemon only read
crontab files when it starts up or when you use crontab -e or at
command,  so  those crontab files may not reflect what are really
running by cron.

Several people also suggested that there is no way to find out of what
is really running by cron, assuming that  we don't trust crontab files.
I guess I will take this as an answer.

Thanks again,

sunmanagers mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 18 11:51:20 2002

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