Summary: Per User Login restictions

From: Rick McKinney <>
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 18:02:54 EST
First off thanx to everyone who responded ...

there were numerous suggestions

1. use rhosts ( cant use this one security guy doesnt like it )
2. install sudo ( this was the most suggested )
3. put the following code in oracle's .profile or some variant of this code
if [ "`who am i|awk '{print $1}'`" = "$LOGNAME" ]
echo "Not authorized to login directly."
exec sleep 2

4. If you're using Solaris 8, check out RBAC (role based access control).
5. PAM Modules
6. In the admintool modify the oracle user and make it su-only.
7."*LK*" in the shadow file
8. SSH

thanx again folks ...

-- rick
sunmanagers mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 26 17:04:34 2002

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