I got responses from Kevin Buterbaugh and Al Hopper. Al gave me some detailed settings for individual disk drives and Kevin pointed me to the "Solaris Tunable Parameters Reference Manual" on docs.sun.com and the 2nd edition of "System Performance Tuning." Both excellent references. I also obtained the latest version of SE Tools. The results are: There is a significant performance bug with VxFS and global file systems. Sun doesn't know when there will be a fix. We stopped using VxFS. DO NOT USE Veritas File System in Sun Cluster 3.0. Use UFS instead and turn on logging. Virtual Adrian complained about fsflushsr (file system flusher) and suggested setting tune_t_fsflushr and autoup higher. It took two changes but fsflushr is no longer hogging the system. There is a "bug" (4487602)that talks about an enhancement for making sync run faster. It is not scheduled until Solaris 10 (9 is now locked). The support types have heard that Sun engineering is looking into making this available in 8. After a significant I/O (e.g. backup or restore) sync's will take a long time. This is due to how sync walks the memory looking for dirty pages. The main effect will be reboots. My reboots ranges from about 5 minutes to close to an hour. The sync time seems to get shorter the less I/O there is, but it takes quite a while. We started using "plaiding" (hardware raid 5 LUN's in T3's, stripes across the LUN's). Our initial testing shows we can now hump some serious data. We're still testing. Don't bother asking Sun Service for tuning suggestions. Their mantra is always "You have to contract with Sun PS." ************************************************************************* Original Message We have 6800's in a 2-way cluster (Sun Cluster 3.0) with 18 CPU's and 48G Of memory to which we are moving an existing application of ~800G of data. While doing the restore we found that 1)VxFS was about 1/8 the speed of UFS and 2) that free memory dropped to about 300M (yes 300M). If we aborted the restore it took over 30 minutes before the disks stopped writting, apparently because the system was flushing the over 40G of memory to disks (T3+). We are investigating changing the disk layout but my real question is about tuning the system for the large memory model. The current literature talks about large memory as less that 10G and really doesn't discuss Solaris 8. Has anyone have CURRENT literature that discusses the new large memory systems (i.e. large E10K's,6800's, 12K's and 15K's) running Solaris 8? I find information about settings for fastscan, handspreadpages, maxpgio, autoup and others but each seems to be for Solaris 7 and older. As a side note, once we get the data loaded these puppies scream. _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list sunmanagers@sunmanagers.org http://www.sunmanagers.org/mailman/listinfo/sunmanagersReceived on Fri Apr 26 18:42:16 2002
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