I got quite a few responses and some very good suggestions / comments. I had read through the manuals and was basically looking for some feedback to make sure that I understood what I had read. I'm glad that I posted the questions because a few people posted things that I had not considered. I learned something, which is what makes this list so valuable. Thanks to the following people for the replies: Eric vande Meerakker Hichael Morton Henrik Schmiediche (Henrik even included a text version of his setup / recovery procedure, thanks very much) Thomas M. Payerle Nelson T. Caparroso Andrew Stuever Simon-Bernard Drolet Bevan Broun thetrick@wizard.net Eric Shafto Peter Evans. There were quite a few good comments, therefore I'm going to post each of the replies below. The general consensus appears to be that 2 or more metadb's on each disk is sufficient. Location does not appear to matter in the opinion of most, the assumption being that failure of a disk will not likely be limited to a particular slice. It is more likely to be a total disk failure, therefore, it doesn't help to spread the metadb's across slices. Recovery is certainly possible, and several different options are included in the responses below. Thanks, Todd Urie Responses: **************************************************************************** ********************************** > Since DiskSuite requires that there be at least 1/2 the number of > db's + 1 in order to boot a system, it is impossible to set a practical metadb > configuration such that, in the event of a complete failure of one of the > disks, the system can be rebooted. Therefore, by configuring mirroring on a > 280R (or any other 2 disk system), I only gain the ability to keep my system > up in the event of a complete failure of 1 of the disks. Not suggesting > that 'only keeping the system up' is bad, just trying to explicitly > understand the limitations and risks that are not addressed. True, however, when you reboot, you can tell the system to disregard the metadb replicas on the failed disk and continue booting. (Off the top of my head: boot -s, do a metadb -d and reboot. Maybe better test that again sometime .:-) It is advisable to put three replicas on each disk though, so you'll still have three replicas (the minimum needed for DiskSuite to boot) in case one disk fails. I never saw a problem that put one or more entire slices out of commission. I cannot think of a good situation either (except a corruption on the partition info block, in which case it is unlikely to affect only and exactly the parameters of the slices containing the replicas without affecting the other slices), as slices are in the "mind" of the OS only. The disk itself is just a bunch of blocks... Regards, Eric. *********************************************************************** Tood, docs.sun.com should have the disksuite user manual/guide. Sun disksuite class suggested/instructed 2 on one disk and 1 on the other as a minimum. More databases are possible. I would create a minimum of 2 on each hard drive. The possibility of have 2 slices or hard drives die in this situation highlight the need for good backup procedures. My customers use disksuite to mirror the boot drives (smaller sites do it by hand). In 2 years we have lost 3 boot drives on my 100+ servers--we have never lost both boot drives. I would suggest you read the disksuite manuals and follow the guidelines that Sun gives--they deal with 1000s of networks and are the experts. Disksuite is an old program and these types of procedures are well defined. Hope this helps, HM ********************************************************************** Hello, I have a SunFire 280R with internal disks mirrored using DiskSuite 4.2.1. I have two meta DB's on each disk (slice 7). In case of one disk failure the system will continue to function fine. The only problem is that if you reboot the system will refuse to startup --- unless you delete the metaDB's on the failed disk. So in my case all I need to do is: metadb -d /dev/dsk/c1t?d0s7 after the failed startup. Then the system will boot up again. Also, if I notice the failed drive, I can delete the metaDB on the failed disks before reboot/restart and the system will come up smoothly. I know this works because I have tested it thoroughly. I have attached *my notes* to help me rebuild/restart *my* system in case of failure. They may help you, the may be incorrect, don't do anything you do not understand. Sincerely, - Henrik *********************************************************************** The best config is to put 2 or more metadb replicas on EACH of the two disks. I put 3 on each disk. I doubt you will gain much by splitting these replicas across different slices; usually when a disk fails it FAILS. Basically, I think the main advantage you get is if a sector containing one of the metadbs goes bad, and even then not sure how necessary to be in different slices. Also, even for hot-swap drives, I've been told that they should only be swapped after the system believes they have died, so such a semi-failed disk would not be easily replaceable (you would have to manually off-line all working mirror metadevices, then remove the metadb replicas; of course as is a half dead disk you might decide to forgo that:). But I think it is rare for a disk to only partially fail, and if they do it is only briefly (power cycling may be enough to completely kill it). BTW, if root is on one of these disks, then rebooting is likely not to be trivial/automatic anyway. Solaris understands mirrors, openboot prompt does not. Openboot boots from a single disk, not a mirror, and if the default boot device fails, I believe you must manually inform it to boot to the other device. As for dealing with the N/2+1 on reboot issue, it actually is not that bad. All you have to do is delete the replicas on the failed disk, and this can be done while the disk is failed. Ideally, you would do this between the loss of the disk and the reboot. If that cannot be done, you must first reboot into single user and delete the replicas, then boot into multiuser. Tom Payerle Dept of Physics payerle@physics.umd.edu University of Maryland ********************************************************************** You've perfectly presented your logic sir. In our case, we use SDS as a mirroring tool so that our servers remain up and running in the event of a disk failure. Since the 280R has pluggable disks then you need not schedule a down time to fix/replace your failed disk. On systems that do not have pluggable disk systems, then this is very good insurance for the server to still be able to function until an opportune time for a maintenance window. We use the 4 state DB replica's on slice 6 (1 cylinder) on each disk - slice 7 (2 cylinders) is for VxVM minirootDG. We've 280R's that sport dual 73G drives which we "treat" as an array and use soft partitions to create "filesystems" beyond the 7 slice limit of the old disksuite. NELSON ********************************************************************* You have hit the major problem with Disksuite and only two disks. This is one of the reasons I always like to spread the db across three or more. If it is a system that can only have two disks (Netra 1125, etc.) then, you have to go through a bunch of hoops booting from your alternate boot disk if you loose you either hard drive. Basically, before you reboot, you have to clear the metadb from the bad disk. Then you can boot, and replace the disk. -- ---------------------------------------------------- Andrew Stueve ********************************************************************** Hi, Can I suggest two things ? First on each disk, you should create two metadbs, one in slice 4 (let say) and one in slice 7 (well, that's what I do). So your metadb will look like this: root@test# metadb flags first blk block count a m p luo 16 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s4 a p luo 16 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s4 a p luo 16 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s7 a p luo 16 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s7 root@test# NOTE HERE: I'm using metadb with 8192 in size ! (Getting ready for Solaris 9!) Then in /etc/system: set md:mirrored_root_flag=1 This tells SDS/SVM to forget about quorum (50% + 1 metadbs) This way, in a two disks config, the system will stay on if one disk goes away and also reboot with one disk. Remember to set "boot-device" in the boot prom. Simon. *********************************************************************** So the system lost a disk and needed booting it would be a matter of "boot -b" with the correct device. fsck / and remount read/write. Then edit /etc/vfstab to remove the reference to the metadevices. Ie, your back to raw partitions on the good disk. BB ********************************************************************** It works with 3 copies in one slice on each disk. I saw only one failure of a mirror in the past 14 months. Recovery isn't real smooth, but it works. The procedure should be on docs.sun.com *********************************************************************** There is a procedure for booting when you have insufficient metadb replicas. It's just unpleasantly involved. I am pretty sure that 3 per disk will allow you to boot with one disk gone. I did that just a few weeks ago. ********************************************************************** this works for me, since you can create metadb's with 5 copies per minimini slice, one on each disk, giving you 10 metadb's. typically i have a noddy 32mb partition for this. everytime you reboot, it resyncs the sub mirror, takes about 15 minutes of "sluggish" performance after booting. -.- P ----* _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list sunmanagers@sunmanagers.org http://www.sunmanagers.org/mailman/listinfo/sunmanagersReceived on Wed Jun 5 08:02:07 2002
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