Thanks to : Ed Alexander,Matthew Stier, Mike's List, and Tonny Verberk I used Ed's solution and it worked too..... i did the following in steps.. 1)download abd install fileutils from 2)/usr/local/bin/du --exclude=.snapshot -sk /users/sunny This will give me the disk usage for user "sunny" in KB. ------------------- Orginal Question: I have all my home dirs(quota applied) on NetApp Filer and users on Solaris 6/7/8, how to find the home directory usage by a user. if du -sk /users/sunny is given then it takes .snapshot also, is there any way to find the sizes. quota -v is not giving the correct results, Any solutions?? Thanks in Advance Regards Sunny Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list on Mon Aug 5 04:16:53 2002
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