SUMMARY: I/O performance dip following Solaris/VxFS/VxVm upgrade to 9/4.1MP1

From: Barry Tait <>
Date: Thu Sep 28 2006 - 06:33:12 EDT

*** Problem ***

I've recently upgraded VxVM / VxFS in my environment from 3.2 / 3.4 to
4.1 MP1.

We also necessarily upgraded Solaris 8 to Solaris 9 in the same
exercise.  I did

both through brand new installation rather than upgrading old software
and both are

fully patched from last month's Sun Gold CD.

root@ myhost # pkginfo -l VRTSvxfs


      NAME:  VERITAS File System

  CATEGORY:  system,utilities

      ARCH:  sparc

   VERSION:  4.1,REV=4.1B18_sol_GA_s10b74L2a

   BASEDIR:  /

    VENDOR:  VERITAS Software

      DESC:  Commercial File System


  INSTDATE:  Sep 18 2006 20:36

   HOTLINE:  (800) 342-0652


    STATUS:  completely installed

     FILES:      234 installed pathnames

                  32 shared pathnames

                   6 linked files

                  47 directories

                  76 executables

                   5 setuid/setgid executables

               58086 blocks used (approx)

root@ myhost # pkginfo -l VRTSvxvm


      NAME:  VERITAS Volume Manager, Binaries

  CATEGORY:  system

      ARCH:  sparc

   VERSION:  4.1,REV=02.17.2005.21.28

   BASEDIR:  /

    VENDOR:  VERITAS Software

      DESC:  Virtual Disk Subsystem

    PSTAMP:  VERITAS-4.1_p3.1:2005-10-24

  INSTDATE:  Sep 18 2006 20:23

   HOTLINE:  800-342-0652


    STATUS:  completely installed

     FILES:      828 installed pathnames

                  23 shared pathnames

                  18 linked files

                  98 directories

                 413 executables

              294561 blocks used (approx)

root@myhost #

root@ myhost # uname -a

SunOS myhost 5.9 Generic_118558-28 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire

root@myhost #

We have found severe performance degradation when copying large amounts
of data

between VxVM controlled VXFS filesystems: Formerly copying 90Gb took
about 1

hour but it now takes about 3 hours between the same filesystems.  I
have also proven

that I can copy outwith Vx control between UFS filesystems in about one
half of the

time taken to copy between VxVM controlled VXFS filesystems.  I have not

the disk groups from their original version (90) to the latest version
(120?) or disks from

version 2.2, and I suspect that may have _something to do with our

[[Added to summary -- In reality, the performance of our ERP and Oracle
DB dropped

significantly as well but I did not detail the scope of the issue in the
original post both

for clarity and commercial reasons, and because I was confident we were
looking at

one root cause for both issues due to the High I/O figures exhibited for
both copying

and processing in general.]]

root@myhost # vxdg list mydg

Group:     mydg

dgid:      1022708368.1258.myhost

import-id: 1024.104


version:   90

alignment: 512 (bytes)

ssb:            off

detach-policy: global

dg-fail-policy: invalid

copies:    nconfig=default nlog=default

config:    seqno=0.4714 permlen=1486 free=1442 templen=29 loglen=225


root@myhost # vxdisk list Disk_13

Device:    Disk_13

devicetag: Disk_13

type:      auto

hostid:    myhost

disk:      name= id=1068375953.1534.gla1c102

group:     name=movextest id=1068375404.1528.gla1c102

info:      format=sliced,privoffset=1,pubslice=4,privslice=3

flags:     online ready private autoconfig autoimport

pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/Disk_13s4 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/Disk_13s4

privpaths: block=/dev/vx/dmp/Disk_13s3 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/Disk_13s3

version:   2.2

iosize:    min=512 (bytes) max=2048 (blocks)

public:    slice=4 offset=0 len=75489280 disk_offset=4096

private:   slice=3 offset=1 len=2047 disk_offset=0

update:    time=1159263160 seqno=0.467

ssb:       actual_seqno=0.0

headers:   0 248

configs:   count=1 len=1486

logs:      count=1 len=225

Defined regions:

 config   priv 000017-000247[000231]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled

 config   priv 000249-001503[001255]: copy=01 offset=000231 enabled

 log      priv 001504-001728[000225]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled

Multipathing information:

numpaths:   1

c6t2900006022mypath30303135d0s2 state=enabled

root@myhost #

Veritas Support are on the case and I'm testing everything I can think
of, but I would

appreciate any information that anyone can provide in terms of
experience or advice on

this upgrade and, most importantly, the potential root cause of our

I already understand that root causing performance problems can be a
tricky business

and many factors can play a part is a problem like this, but my test
results give a strong

indication that the Veritas upgrade software/method are a contributor to
the root cause.

I will summarise any responses asap.

*** Assistance Received ***

I'll start by thanking Dave Foster and Kevin Starling for

their capable assistance.


Try using vxtunefs to tune VxFS, which will override the I/O

blocksize employed by the OS or 3rd party application. These

settings can be made permanent using /etc/vx/tunefstab. A

likely setting to use is

/dev/vx/dsk/...   read_pref_io=256k

Vxtunefs can change this on the fly so testing is simple.

Dave Foster


My hunch is that the I/O degradation is caused by a Verias

DMP/Stoage configuration conflict. I have experienced this

problem with other Sun StorEdge Arrays in the past e.g.

6120s, 6230s, 6920s. For these arrays Veritas released an

Array Support Library (essentially a package that assist

DMP in managing active/active arrays). Unfortunately, I

can't see an ASL available for this product.

Sorry I can't offer more help.



I didn't receive that many responses on this issue, which is

a little surprising as I would have thought this problem would

be quite common in the SA community.

*** Solution ***

Ultimately, Veritas Support came up with the actual solution

to the problem which was to run vxtunefs to change the value of

VxFS tunable parameter discovered_direct_iosz from to 10Mb.


# vxtunefs -o discovered_direct_iosz=10485760 /u08

The above was carried out for all our Veritas filesystems and the
performance of

Copy and everything else on our machine (including Oracle and our ERP)

Significantly and more or less instantaneously.  I now plan to change

permanently in /etc/vx/tunefstab for all vxfs filesystems.

The explanation of this solution is as follows:

- The software we replaced was Solaris 8 and vxfs 3.2 in which

the default chunk size of data processed by the cp command was


- In Veritas 3.2, the default size of discovered_direct_iosz was 256k as

meaning that any data chunks of >256k would be processed via direct i/o

explained at


Any file I/O requests larger than the discovered_direct_iosz are handled

discovered direct I/O. A discovered direct I/O is unbuffered like direct

but it does not require a synchronous commit of the inode when the file

extended or blocks are allocated. For larger I/O requests, the CPU time

copying the data into the buffer cache and the cost of using memory to

the I/O becomes more expensive than the cost of doing the disk I/O. For

I/O requests, using discovered direct I/O is more efficient than regular

The default value of this parameter is 256K.


- cp was processed via buffered i/o prior to the upgrade

- cp was processed via direct i/o after the upgrade (performance=Not OK)

You should be thinking: "But direct i/o should be faster than buffered

According to the explanation above, that is true, however as with many

performance issues there was a further layer of complexity:

iostat reported disk I/O rate down on normal with Busy% and Average

higher than normal - effectively we were giving the disks more to do
than they

could cope with - previously the disk i/o was being throttled by the
vxfs buffering.

- The new default chunk size for the cp command (not sure if this is a
feature of

copy or Solaris) was 8Mb - this meant that, suddenly, the copy chunks

by vxfs) were processing via direct i/o not buffered as before .. this
put an

immediate additional load on our disk arrays which caused them to be too
busy (the

effect of this was much more severe that the effect of vxfs throttling
that was

previously happening when the chunks were being buffered)

- The reality is that we were not cp'ing all over our storage array, but
much other

activity (including that of Oracle, ERP, etc.) were now processing
chunks of data

via direct i/o rather than vxfs buffering and so the problem was much
more general.

Increasing the value of discovered_direct_iosz from 256Kb to 10Mb took
the throttling

from the disks and back to memory/vxfs (for example 8Mb < 10 Mb for cp)
- Disk I/O

dropped to normal levels and performance improved to normal levels

*** The morals of the story ***

The "bottleneck" is now the vxfs buffering, but the performance is
better with that

bottleneck than with our disks/controllers.  Stress testing is very
important.  The

10Mb value may not be ideal, so we will likely test further (perhaps
higher) values,

however don't say I didn't warn you about

# iostat -xnz                 is a great was of looking at your Busy

# vxdisk -e list               is a great way of seeing storage vxvm
sees Complete With WWNs

May the force be with you,


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