Thanks to GB and R Delfin ml There was a link and it helped except I needed more details. Please note that for Tera Term and Hyper Terminal my connection worked for 9600 baud (ON THE LAPTOP). Remember you must use 115200 for the x2200/x2100 configuration files and ttyb. There is absolutely no need to mess with the eeprom command. The /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc modifies the eeprom for you. Instructions work for both x2100 and x2200 (same same). Also you may need to be patient and hit the "enter" key to get it to synchronize if you just get a blinking prompt. *********** Redirecting Solaris Output to the Serial Port ***From Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server Operating System Installation Guide 819-6599-13 *** The following procedure shows how to redirect Solaris operating system output from the Sun Fire X2200 M2 server to a serial console. Use these instructions to redirect OS output after the software is installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Note - To redirect the server output to the console during OS installation, see the instructions in . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- 1. After Solaris is installed, log into the server as root (superuser). 2. Make edits to the following files: Edit the following lines in the /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc file to read as follows: ###Leave the other setprops alone they are fine setprop console 'ttyb' setprop ttyb-mode 115200,8,n,1,- Edit the following line in the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to read as follows: ###I just edited the kernel line in "title Solaris 10 6/06 s10x_u2wos_09a X86" under ###"---------- ADDED BY BOOTADM - DO NOT EDIT ----------" ###Leave the second section "failsafe" alone you might need that back door (KVM). kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B console=ttyb Add the following line to the end of the /kernel/drv/asy.conf file: name="asy" parent="isa" reg=1,0x2f8,8 interrupts=3; Edit the following line in the /var/svc/manifest/system/console-login.xml file as follows: <propval name='label' type='astring' value='115200'/> 3. Reboot the system with the following command: reboot -- -r You should then be sent back to the /SP prompt. 4. Run the following command: start /SP/AgentInfo/console ###you may need to hit the enter key You should now begin to see console output of the system starting up. Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server Operating System Installation Guide 819-6599-13 **************** *********More details for setting up - Connect the DB9 null modem cable to the laptop serial port and the x2100/2000 serial port - Connect the power cable and turn on the x2100/2200 (you may need a paper clip or pen) - Wait 10-15 minutes for the system to completely come up (this helps eliminate false connectivity issues) - Start TeraTerm or Hyper Terminal - Settings for both: VT100, Com1, Baud: 9600, Data: 8 bit, Parity: none, Stop: 1 bit, Flow Control: none - Press "Enter" key a couple of times to sychronize - The "SUNSPMACADDRESS login:" will display - NOTE: The example displays Lights Out Management not the Solaris shell. The username is root and password is "changeme" That is the default ELOM account. - After the command "start /SP/AgentInfo/console" the "enter" key may need to pressed a few times then the (shell) login will display. - The IP address and hostname are not the actual network settings for the system they are for Lights Out Management. - Example: ###You may need to hit the enter key to get the SUNSP prompt SUNSP_MACADDR login: root Password: changeme login[202]: root login on `ttyS1' Sun(TM) Embedded Lights Out Manager Copyright 2004-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Version 2.91 Hostname: SUNSP_MACADDR IP address: MAC address: ##:##:##:##:##:## System serial number: ###### /SP -> start /SP/AgentInfo/console console activate successful press ESC ( to terminate session... ###You may need to hit the enter key Hostname console login: *******END _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list on Thu Apr 26 17:06:54 2007
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