hmm. I thought I owed a summary, but I can't seem to find that I ever posted the question. I guess I just hammered my head against the wall for enough days that I was sure I must have posted a question. Anyway, I think it's worth posting a summary, because there were missing links in the documentation, and, finally, a critical blog I found that helped me figure out what to do. It's hard to do a useful micro summary; but, basically, I was able to work with command line only using Common Array Manager (CAM) to configure the 2510 so that each drive was exported as a LUN. Then I could assign drives to individual hosts (I have 2 directly connected to the array), see them in `format`, and use zpool to group them into raidz. -- *Physical setup* -- This configuration is a StorageTek 2510 with SAS drives and 2 T5220's. The 2510 has one controller, and each T5220 is connected directly to one of the iSCSI ports on that controller. The controller on the 2510 has a management port and two data ports. There are stickers on the back near the ports with the Mac addresses printed on them. -- *Management port *-- Originally, I wanted to have command line only management directly over the data lines (in line management). Since I was having trouble figuring out how to set this thing up at all, I decided to just go ahead and expose the management port on the 2510. I set up the Mac address of the management port in our DHCP server, plugged the management port into a switch in our private network, and tried to ping it. No ping and no evidence from the DHCP server that it had requested or been given an address. hmm. Turns out it does it using bootp. So, I added an appropriate entry in /etc/bootptab on our server that does it. Power cycled the 2510. Ping. Then I scanned it with nmap. nmap failed to identify the device and said all ports were closed. OK. Cool. on to the next step. -- *Install CAM* -- Now I needed to install CAM. I thought I should look for the latest. Turns out 6.2 and more recent say that they need a firmware upgrade of the 2510 before they can talk to it. The software for the firmware upgrade seemed to be GUI only. My server has no GUI. Really. Minimal network install with whatever packages I needed beyond that individually installed. No GUI. So. CAM seemed to be the most recent before 6.2. I downloaded that and checked the readme. It had a command line only install option. `./RunMe.bin -c`. I did that. Selected a custom install, command line only with firmware. Somehow that claimed it was installing Java 2 standard edition. There were some differences in where the documentation said I would find the software and where I actually found it. The critical application is sscs and was found at /opt/SUNWstkcam/bin/. Since I was on the machine that was to manage and access the array, I didn't need to do the `sscs login ....`, and I could get basic information on the fly from `sscs --help`. -- *Documentation* -- Ultimately, I found three sources that gave me what I needed. (1) The Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Installation Guide gave me the overview of how to set up the array. In particular, the section on Configuring iSCSI Tasks, the Table A-2, iSCSI Configuration Steps, and the section with the Example for Solaris. It fell short in that at a crucial step it simply says, "Follow CAM Documentation to . . . ." But, the CAM documentation is very cursory on iSCSI, assuming, I guess, that you will get it from the GUI. There is a table listing iSCSI commands with no explanation, overview, or examples of how to use them. (2) The man page for sscs was a key reference. However, it is 123 pages long and doesn't really give you an overview of what you need to do or how the different subcommands interact. It's also a bit hard to go scrolling back and forth through it. So, I printed it out to a pdf preview. Then I could search the pdf for "NAME", which was the section title preceding every command. That gave me a sort of table of contents into the commands that I could scan through. I still encountered at least one command whose syntax turned out to be very different from what the man page listed. (3) I found a blog that gave me some critical conceptual overview and details for what I was trying to do. That is referenced further down when I get to that. -- *Registering & Configuring the 2510* -- Following page 95 and forward in the Installation Guide. [Note: I've slightly obscured the IP address in the following] # cd /opt/SUNWstkcam/bin # ./sscs add -i 172.xx.xx.xx registeredarray Name Type Network Address Serial Number --------- ---- --------------- -------------------------- unlabeled 2510 172.xx.xx.xx SUN.540-7198-01.0812BE3D2D # ./sscs modify -N edsel array unlabeled [After setting up a new J4200, this seemed an appropriate name for the 2510] # ./sscs list firmware Analyzing array edsel,(172.xx.xx.xx),200400a0b8490699 Controller: Some FRUs not at baseline. Name Model Current Baseline Tray.85.Controller.A LCSM100_I Disk: Some FRUs not at baseline. Name Model Current Baseline Tray.85.Drive.01 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA02 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.02 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA02 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.03 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA02 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.04 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA02 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.05 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA02 SA04 System/NVSRAM: All FRUs at baseline Name Model Current Baseline edsel 2510 N1532-670843-901 N1532-670843-901 # ./sscs modify -a edsel firmware WARNING: This command will load new firmware if needed and may impact array management and data availability. Do you wish to continue? [y,n] : y Started firmware upgrade job Install:task28 # ./sscs list -a edsel jobs Job ID: Install:task28 Status: Done # ./sscs list firmware Analyzing array edsel,(,200400a0b8490699 Controller: All FRUs at baseline Name Model Current Baseline Tray.85.Controller.A LCSM100_I Disk: Some FRUs not at baseline. Name Model Current Baseline Tray.85.Drive.01 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA02 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.02 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA02 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.03 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA02 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.04 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA02 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.05 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA02 SA04 System/NVSRAM: All FRUs at baseline Name Model Current Baseline edsel 2510 N1532-670843-901 N1532-670843-901 [So, it updated the firmware on the controller, but not on the drives. It took a bit of fiddling around to find the correct syntax and details to do that.] # ./sscs modify -a edsel -t disk firmware WARNING: This command will load new firmware if needed and may impact array management and data availability. Do you wish to continue? [y,n] : y Started firmware upgrade job Install:task32 # ./sscs list -a edsel jobs Job ID: Install:task32 Status: Done Job ID: Install:task28 Status: Done # ./sscs list firmware Analyzing array edsel,(,200400a0b8490699 Controller: All FRUs at baseline Name Model Current Baseline Tray.85.Controller.A LCSM100_I Disk: All FRUs at baseline Name Model Current Baseline Tray.85.Drive.01 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA04 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.02 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA04 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.03 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA04 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.04 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA04 SA04 Tray.85.Drive.05 HUS1530SBSUN300G SA04 SA04 System/NVSRAM: All FRUs at baseline Name Model Current Baseline edsel 2510 N1532-670843-901 N1532-670843-901 [All set] -- *Configure data ports on server* -- OK, so now I need to set up data connections between the T5220 and the 2510. They are connected directly with a plain ethernet cable (not a crossover). I get the IP addresses for the 2510 data ports from sscs, and then configure the T5220 with ifconfig. # ./sscs list -a edsel iscsi-port [output truncated] Controller: A iSCSI Port: A/1 Listening Port: 3260 IP Address: Gateway: Netmask: iSCSI Port: A/2 Listening Port: 3260 IP Address: Gateway: Netmask: # ifconfig -a [just to check] # ifconfig e1000g2 plumb # ifconfig e1000g2 netmask up # ping is alive! # cat > /etc/hostname.e1000g2 # cat >> /etc/hosts imladris.scsi.mor.nsm edsel.scsi.mor.nsm # cat >> /etc/netmasks In the above, the ifconfig got it running; but, the additions to the /etc files will make sure it comes up if/when the system is ever rebooted. The fully qualified network names are made up to match, in essence, the way we do our private networks. It won't go out on any network, even private, since they are direct connected, but, anyway. Morrill (mor) is our building, and NSM is our College within the University. -- *Set up iSCSI initiators* -- This is basically following the steps in the Installation Guide, in particular the Solaris example on p. 101 in my hard copy. Be sure to check software versions and patches as instructed. I didn't have to mess with any of that, because I was on Solaris 10 u7 (5/09) with the latest recommended and security patches. Anyway. Need to find the IQN (iSCSI Qualified Name) for the initiator associated with the T5220 and the data ports on the 2510, and set up connections between them. # iscsiadm list initiator-node Initiator node name: [rest of output cut] # iscsiadm modify discovery --static enable # iscsiadm add discovery-address # iscsiadm list discovery-address Discovery Address: Target name: Target address:, 1 Target name: Target address:, 1 # iscsiadm add static-config, # iscsiadm list static-config Static Configuration Target:, # format [intention is to check what is there now, before setting up drives on the 2510] Searching for disks...done c6t8d0: configured with capacity of 16.00MB AVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS: 0. c1t0d0 <LSILOGIC-LogicalVolume-3000 cyl 65533 alt 2 hd 16 sec 273> raidboot /pci@0/pci@0/pci@2/scsi@0/sd@0,0 1. c1t3d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848> /pci@0/pci@0/pci@2/scsi@0/sd@3,0 2. c6t8d0 <SUN-UniversalXport-0670 cyl 8 alt 2 hd 64 sec 64> /iscsi/,31 Specify disk (enter its number): 2 selecting c6t8d0 [disk formatted] Disk not labeled. Label it now? no partition> p Current partition table (default): Total disk cylinders available: 8 + 2 (reserved cylinders) Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks 0 root wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 1 swap wu 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 2 backup wu 0 - 7 16.00MB (8/0/0) 32768 3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 6 usr wm 0 - 7 16.00MB (8/0/0) 32768 7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 partition> q [hmm. ??? What is that 16MB Thingy ???] -- *Set up hosts & disks* -- OK. Getting there. Now I have to configure the hosts and disks on the 2510 so that the disks will be linked to the host where I want to mount and format them (the T5220). This is where the Installation Guide drops the ball, just saying, "Follow CAM documentation to: ...." The CAM documentation, in turn, doesn't give a conceptual overview, assumes you are using the GUI (which will automate a bunch of stuff), and doesn't say much about iSCSI. This is where I found "Sun StorageTek 2540 / ZFS Performance Summary" by Bob Friesenhahn (, which describes setting up the 2540 to present each drive as a separate unit. That gave me enough conceptual overview and detail to then mine my pdf print of the man page for sscs and work out the commands to do it. The basic overview is to create a separate storage pool for each disk. Create a separate volume for each disk within its own separate storage pool. Then link those to a host and set it up in zfs. He was dealing with fiber channel and multipathing, but that doesn't matter. The CAM concepts are the same. First, just some housekeeping. Mining the pdf man page, (& some trial and error) . . . # ./sscs list -a edsel date Date: Tue Sep 15 12:29:58 2009 # ./sscs modify -a edsel date 1755 # ./sscs list -a edsel date Date: Tue Sep 15 17:55:16 2009 # ./sscs list -a edsel os-type SOLARIS_MPXIO - Solaris (with Traffic Manager) [rest of output clipped] # ./sscs create -a edsel host marlin # ./sscs create -a edsel host snapper # ./sscs create -a edsel -h marlin -o solaris -i initiator marlin [creating a couple of hosts and an initiator for the one host, naming the host and the initiator with the same name] # ./sscs list -a edsel disk Tray: 85 Disk: t85d05 Capacity: 279.396 GB Type: SAS Speed (RPM): 15000 Status: Optimal State: Enabled Role: Unassigned Virtual Disk: - Firmware: SA04 Serial number: 000809C69Y7C J8W69Y7C WWN: 50:00:CC:A0:05:43:DC:38 [clipping a bunch of output] Tray: 85 Disk: t85d01 Capacity: 279.396 GB Type: SAS Speed (RPM): 15000 Status: Optimal State: Enabled Role: Unassigned Virtual Disk: - Firmware: SA04 Serial number: 000809C090LC J8W090LC WWN: 50:00:CC:A0:05:38:E5:70 # ./sscs list -a edsel profile Profile: Default # ./sscs list -a edsel profile Default Profile: Default Profile In Use: yes Factory Profile: yes Description: Pre-configured Default profile RAID Level: 5 Segment Size: 512 KB Read Ahead: on Optimal Number of Drives: variable Disk Type: Fibre Channel Dedicated Hot Spare: no Pool: Default Pool: disk1 [hmm. That just won't do. I wonder why they put that on the 2510 as the default profile? So, create a new profile.] # ./sscs create -a edsel -r 0 -s 128K -h on -n 1 -k SAS -H no -d "One SAS disk" profile RAW_SAS [That took a fair bit of trial and error, but it worked. Now create a bunch of pools using that profile.] # ./sscs create -a edsel -p RAW_SAS pool Disk-01 # ./sscs create -a edsel -p RAW_SAS pool Disk-02 # ./sscs create -a edsel -p RAW_SAS pool Disk-03 [etc.] # ./sscs list -a edsel pool Pool: Disk-01 Profile: RAW_SAS Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB Pool: Disk-02 Profile: RAW_SAS Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB Pool: Disk-03 Profile: RAW_SAS Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB [clipped] # ./sscs list -a edsel pool Disk-01 Pool: Disk-01 Description: null Profile: RAW_SAS Total Capacity: 0.000 MB Configured Capacity: 0.000 MB Available Capacity: 278.896 GB [cool. Now create the corresponding volumes.] # ./sscs create -a edsel -p Disk-01 -s 278.896gb -d t85d01 volume Disk-01 # ./sscs list -a edsel pool Disk-01 Pool: Disk-01 Description: null Profile: RAW_SAS Total Capacity: 278.895 GB Configured Capacity: 278.895 GB Available Capacity: 278.896 GB Volume: Disk-01 # ./sscs list -a edsel volume Disk-01 Volume: Disk-01 Type: Standard WWN: 60:0A:0B:80:00:49:06:99:00:00:02:26:4A:B0:EF:52 Pool: Disk-01 Profile: RAW_SAS Virtual Disk: 1 Size: 278.895 GB State: Free Status: Online Action: Initializing... Condition: Optimal Read Only: No Controller: A Preferred Controller: A Modification Priority: High RAID Level: 0 Segment Size: 128 KB Read Cache: Enabled Write Cache: Enabled Write Cache with Replication: Disabled Write Cache without Batteries: Disabled Write Cache Active: True Flush Cache After: 10 s Disk Scrubbing: Enabled Disk Scrubbing with Redundancy: Disabled # ./sscs create -a edsel -p Disk-02 -s 278.896gb -d t85d02 volume Disk-02 # ./sscs create -a edsel -p Disk-03 -s 278.896gb -d t85d03 volume Disk-03 [and so on] [Finally, map the volumes to the host.] # ./sscs map -a edsel -P readwrite -h marlin volume Disk-01 # ./sscs map -a edsel -P readwrite -h marlin volume Disk-02 [etc.] -- *Create iSCSI device link & format drives* -- That's basically it for setting up the 2510. Now, from the T5220's perspective, I have to set up the iSCSI device links. This is straight from the Installation Guide. # devfsadm -i iscsi # format Searching for disks...done c6t8d0: configured with capacity of 16.00MB c7t600A0B8000490699000002264AB0EF52d0: configured with capacity of 275.99GB c7t600A0B8000490699000002284AB0EFB6d0: configured with capacity of 275.99GB [clipped] AVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS: 0. c1t0d0 <LSILOGIC-LogicalVolume-3000 cyl 65533 alt 2 hd 16 sec 273> raidboot /pci@0/pci@0/pci@2/scsi@0/sd@0,0 1. c1t3d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848> /pci@0/pci@0/pci@2/scsi@0/sd@3,0 2. c6t8d0 <SUN-UniversalXport-0670 cyl 8 alt 2 hd 64 sec 64> /iscsi/,31 3. c7t600A0B8000490699000002264AB0EF52d0 <SUN-LCSM100_I-0670 cyl 65533 alt 2 hd 128 sec 69> /scsi_vhci/ssd@g600a0b8000490699000002264ab0ef52 4. c7t600A0B8000490699000002284AB0EFB6d0 <SUN-LCSM100_I-0670 cyl 65533 alt 2 hd 128 sec 69> /scsi_vhci/ssd@g600a0b8000490699000002284ab0efb6 [clipped] Specify disk (enter its number): 3 selecting c7t600A0B8000490699000002264AB0EF52d0 [disk formatted] Disk not labeled. Label it now? no > quit -- *ZFS* -- So, I'm basically home free now, and I can configure ZFS using the information from the format command. Something like, . . . # zpool create mypool raidz c7t600A0B8000490699000002264AB0EF52d0 [and so on] I also tried setting up email notification, but I don't know if it works. # ./sscs add -e -m minor notification local_email [which doesn't match the man page, but rather is based on the error messages I got when I entered it according to the man page] -- *in Closing* -- I hope this extended howto turns out to be helpful to someone else. I had a fair bit of trouble finding the information that made this possible and working out the details. It should have been more elementary than that. The Sun sales people said, "sure, you can do that." Then, since we aren't doing things according to their book, it's hard to actually get support and guidance. It is sort of like when you want to do a Solaris install and minimize the OS for security purposes. They actually have a security white paper (somewhat dated now) recommending that. However, it isn't SOP. So you can't get support when you try to do that. Even in a room full of Solaris people and several Sun engineering types (at an OpenSolaris Users Group meeting), they just shrug and say, "do a standard install." Anyway, if your purpose is to use ZFS, and you really just want a JBOD, I would recommend the J4200 and related products over the StorageTek 25xx. I think my multipathed dual SAS J4200 is much faster than my non-multipathed single GigE connection 2510, and it was much easier to set up. I haven't actually done I/O tests yet. We had originally thought we were going to share drives off the 2510 between a couple of servers and maybe even mount them read-only to our backup server, but that's not really possible. Even though it can sit on a network, the drives are basically owned and formatted by a single server. It's probably easier and more featurefull to just have a SAS JBOD, maybe with expansion trays, hanging on a single T5xxx server, using ZFS, and then share that out if other servers want access. Sort of build your own 7000 series. Comments appreciated. If I get comments, and it seems warranted, I'll post a summary-2. -- --------------- Chris Hoogendyk - O__ ---- Systems Administrator c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center ~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst <> --------------- Erdvs 4 _______________________________________________ sunmanagers mailing list on Tue Sep 22 13:12:31 2009
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