R/W DOS floppies -- SUMMARY

From: M.W. Goheen (mwg8908@ultb.isc.rit.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 28 1990 - 16:59:26 CDT

Many thanks to ALL (and I mean ALL) that responded. There were a few
requests for a summary so here it is.

The easiest and cheapest solution is to use the "mtools" package.
This is available from a variety of archive sites (and if you happen
to post a message like mine to this list, you'll also find a couple
in your mailbox :), including uunet.uu.net and princeton.edu (but NOT
on titan.rice.edu, although the patches seem to be). There are
three patches that should be applied. It did the trick for me.

There are apparently a few other choices as well. In the "pay"
catagory are DOS windows and a Sun consulting special. Both appear
to do what I needed. The latter makes the DOS floopy look like
a Unix file system so you can simply "cp", "mv", etc. to it.

Other mentions where a little more fuzzy. Someone said the "bar"
program would work. Another mention to some similar thing available
on simtel. And there's always a null-modem cable.

If anyone wants anything more specific or has no internet access,
just let me know and I'll do what I can.

The list is phenomenal.

                                                Matt Goheen

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