Thanks to the following people who replied:
Andy Sherman -
David Lee -
Mike Baumann -!proton!baumann
Tom Olin - ...!uunet!adiron!tro
>Does anyone have any ideas on the above panic? After/during the memory
>dump the following information is displayed:
> Memory Error! Status D4, DVMA-BIT 1, Context 0
> Vaddr:FFDFA90, Paddr:007E7A90,
> type 0 at 00000000
>This panic has started to occur three or four times a week on a diskless
>Sun 3/60 running SunOS 3.5. The monitor memory test and the memory test
>on boot show no errors. The only things in the above message that change
>from panic to panic are the Status, Vaddr, and Paddr. Thanks in advance.
The consensus is that there is a problem with one or more of the simm
modules and that the memory tests lie. The Paddr determines which simm
is the culprit. simm 1 -- 000 000 - 0FF FFF
simm 2 -- 100 000 - 1FF FFF etc.
In my case three different simms have been identified from 6 crashes.
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