OK, I got several responses, most of them saying "please don't forget
to send the summary" :-\
First, my original question:
>> We have a group of diskfull IPC's, SS1's and SS2's running off an SS2
>> server, with prospects of more clients to come. NFS load is starting
>> to bury the server. I'm looking for recommendations/horror-
>> stories/experiences about a product called eNFS which (apparently)
>> will let me use the local disks on my clients as cache (maybe like
>> AFS?).
>> Also, if anyone has en email address I can contact for the vendors of
>> eNFS I'd be grateful.
There doesn't seem to be much consensus, except for several people
suggesting we get a bigger server ...
From: Robert L Krawitz <rlk@Think.COM> writes:
There are two products, eNFS and eNFS-cache. eNFS is a replacement for
nfsd, as well as a new kernel module, that runs much more efficiently,
particularly on writes.
From: poffen@sj.ate.slb.com (Russ Poffenberger) writes:
I have heard that it isn't all its cracked up to be. You can still have problems
if the server can't handle the load. If you plan to have 25 or more clients, I
would suggest you start looking into an NFS server that can handle it. An Auspex
is a good choice.
fgreco@cfdev1026.shearson.com (Frank Greco) suggests using Prestoserve
from Legato (we already thought of that but it wouldn't seem to be a
effective unless your NFS traffic is dominated by writes).
polaris1!support!lv@uunet.UU.NET (Luis Vallejo) says we shouldn't be
using a desktop as a server. That may be true but is not an option
currently. We are really looking for something cheap and effective
(though free and wonderfull would be preferable :-)
era@niwot.scd.ucar.EDU (Ed Arnold) says:
We used it for a little while and found it did pretty much what
was advertised, however, we are not using it now. It does require
kernel mods. One of their mods, which was in itself correct,
aggravated some latent bugs in SunOS.
Last time I called InterStream, I spoke to Bob Sidebotham,
bob+@andrew.cmu.edu. Phone numbers are:
412-{441-8342,323-8000},800-677-7876. Haven't talked to
them for a long time, so info might not be correct.
I guess we'll just try contacting Interstream and asking. Thanks to
all who replied.
Patrick O'Callaghan Internet: poc@usb.ve
Departamento de Computacion NICNAME: PO22
Universidad Simon Bolivar Tel: +058 (2) 963 3022 ext 3320
Apartado de Correos 89000 FAX: +058 (2) 93 71 28
Caracas, Venezuela "There is no Net but the Internet"
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