Here was my original question:
> I have installed a Toshiba 1.2GB disk drive in a Sparc 1+
> and I'm wondering if the fan will be able to support this
> disk without overheating.
Here are the answers:
From: szh@zcon.com (Syed Zaeem Hosain)
No, I have not done this specifically, but I have installed similar
heat dissipation drives in an SS1+ and SS2 without problems.
From: sharris@marlin.ssnet.com (Scott A. Harris)
I have one, gets a little warm on occasion, but generally stays
fairly cool and very reliable.
From: morrow@cns.ucalgary.ca (Bill Morrow)
I have a Fujitsu 1GB drive in a Sparc 1, it runs a bit hotter,
but not too much. I tried the Fujitsu and the original Quantum 105,
this proved to be too hot in my opinion. The temperature climbed
steadily to 40C between the two disks, before I chickened out and
disconnected the Quantum. The Fujitsu alone is stable around 32C.
It draws 11 watts, so compare that to your Toshiba.
From: john@oncology.uthscsa.edu (John Justin Hough)
We've got one in an SS1 in a relatively hot environment - no problems.
Thanks for all the answers.
Steven Vu.
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