Summary: Rsh Problem

From: Cleandro Viana (
Date: Tue Apr 12 1994 - 02:09:13 CDT

My Original request was:

> Hello Managers,
> I am trying to figure out what is going on when I run
> the following rsh command:
> "rsh -l viana cvs"
> When I run the command above, I get the following output:
> "cvs: permission denied"
> I have checked cvs permissions and they are ok; cvs is located
> on /usr/local/bin. So I decided to change the cvs command with the
> env command:
> "rsh -l viana env"
> Now I get the following output:
> HOME=/users/viana
> SHELL=/bin/csh
> PATH=:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin
> USER=viana
> PWD=/tmp_mnt/users/viana
> As you can see, /usr/local/bin is not in the path, but I have
> /usr/local/bin defined in my path on my .cshrc file.
> Question: How come rsh is not reading my .cshrc file? If it does
> not read my .cshrc file, where it sets my environment from?
> Any help is greatly appreciated.

        I got a lot of replies back, and most of them said almost the
        same thing. Since there is a lot of people to thank, I will just
        say THANKS YOU ALL!

        The answer to my problem is that rsh does read my .cshrc file, but
        it does not read my .login file. I was setting my path environment
        on my .login file, so that's why it could not find the cvs command,
        which was on /usr/local/bin.

        I just add an entry on my .cshrc file, to take of the path problem.

        Thanks, again.



\ | / < o o > ----m----------------m----------------------------------------

Cleandro Viana o o \ o / 301/921-8600 x8628 \|/ 301/921-0161 (Fax) o---0----o Penril Datability Networks /|\ 1300 Quince Orchard Blvd / | o Gaithersburg, MD 20872 o | o

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