<Text item: SUMMARY: setting up accounting on Sol 2.4>
The solution seemed to simple to believe at first, but I guess I was
trying to make the task
harder than it really needed to be. Just create the following links:
ln -s /etc/init.d/acct /etc/rc2.d/S22acct
ln -s /etc/init.d/acct /etc/rc0.d/K22acct
Thank's to the following:
misik@alpha.dcs.fmph.uniba.sk (Andrej Misik)
mshon@sunrock.East.Sun.COM (Michael J. Shon {*Prof Services} Sun Rochester
Glenn.Satchell@uniq.com.au (Glenn Satchell - Uniq Professional Services)
rf0077@s4690.williams-int.com (Roderick W. Failing III)
Ric Anderson <ric@rtd.com>
miquel@proton.uab.es (Miquel Cabanas . BBM - UAB)
deal@ait.nrl.navy.mil (Butch Deal)
Melissa Metz <melissa@columbia.edu>
Todd Michael Kennedy <tkennedy@galaxy.csc.calpoly.edu>
Casper Dik <casper@Holland.Sun.COM>
Kevin.Sheehan@uniq.com.au (Kevin Sheehan {Consulting Poster Child})
Lawrence Randall ;-}=
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