Well, it was not too bad.
The problem was that the original installation did not include support
for the Fast Ethernet card, because it wasn't plugged in at the time.
I did a "pkginfo | grep SUNWhmd", and there was no installed support for
these cards.
So... I mounted the Solaris CDROM (Sol 2.5.1 HW 11/97), cd'ed to
/cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.5.1 and ran the "pkgadd -d . SUNWhmd SUNWhmdu".
The installation completed with no trouble.
I then mv'ed the /etc/hostname.le0 to hostname-.le0- (mv hostname.le0
hostname-.le0-), and then I cp'ed the hostname-.le0- to hostname.hme0 (cp
hostname-.le0- hostname.hme0).
Then I rebooted with a "reboot -r".
The interface was recognized and is working great.
Most people who responded assumed I had the SUNWhmd packages already
Some wanted me to start from scratch.
Some thought I might have a ".be" card (whatever that is). As I said in
my original, it was functional in another SS10, so I was pretty sure it was
an ".hme" card.
I took a spare 100MB card from a SPACE 10 (SunOS 4.1.4) and plugged it
into another SPARC 10 (Solaris 2.5.1). I can't seem to find the recipe to
get it to work.
I did a "boot -r", then I did and "shutdown -g0 -i0" to the boot prompt.
I do watch-net-all with a cable plugged into the new card, and it looks
good. Lots of little ...... marching across the screen
I do a "boot -s", and go to the /etc directory. I rename the hostname.le0
to hostname-.le0-, and then I "cp hostname-.le0- hostname.hme0" and reboot.
NO GOOD. The OS complains there is NO hme0 device.
I then "mv hostname.hme0 hostname.hme", and reboot. The OS doesn't
complain, but the in.rdisc says there are no interfaces up, and no network
stuff works.
What am I doing wrong?
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