SUMMARY:Q: Shadow password doubt

Date: Fri Sep 11 1998 - 13:07:14 CDT

Hi Admins,

I have received three responses, all are included..

  Many thanks to:
David Blaine
Goodson Alex


If the encrypted password is put in /etc/passwd, login
will use it, as it looks there first. However, if you
ever run pwconv, it will move it to /etc/shadow. There is
no utility to consistently retain the encrypted password
for only certain users in /etc/password. You have to make
sure that you don't run a utility like pwconv.


No, you can't mix password in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. Besides, why would
you want to? /etc/shadow provides greater security. Having passwords in
/etc/passwd just gives a hacker a much easier time....

David Blaine

Apparently not on Solaris 2.6, although you could do it on 2.5.1

Goodson Alex

Basically our programers are writing some code which checks password database, I wanted to know is there any command or utility exists to check password entries in both files and generates a kind of report.

Next week I am going to try Frank's advice on a test m/c.

Have a nice weekend

Thanks again


Hi Admins,

  I have query about password management, is there any way that we can have password string in a /etc/passwd file rather than in /etc/shadow file for selected login-ids, (other login-ids passwords should be in shadow file only)

  Man page of "pwconv" says
 pwconv - installs and "updates" /etc/shadow with information
     from /etc/passwd

  With above statement can I come to the conclusion that we can maintain two different files for storing password!! using some utility..

  Please correct me if I am wrong.

OS: Solaris 2.6, H/W: E450

Thanks In Advance

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