Date: Tue Apr 13 1999 - 17:56:25 CDT

Sorry to my late summary.

Thanks to all the reply messages from:
Wally Winzer Jr.
Robert Hayne robert
Sweth Chandramouli
Karl Vogel
Harrison Caldwell
Paul V. Alukal
Dennis Martens

Most of people suggest to use sunscan tool to check the system.

Here are the wonderful URL info that Karl provides:
   Contains the patch-list. Any year-2000 patches are marked "y2k".
   Sun's Year 2000 Information Site; contains FAQs plus other Sun
   resources for official policies, procedures, tools and a catalog
   of year 2000-ready products.
   SunScan 2000 is Sun's Year 2000 product compliance tool for SPARC and
   Intel-based systems running Solaris 2.3 or higher. It quickly and
   identifies the Sun hardware, Sun operating system, and other Sun
   that are Year 2000 compliant. If a product is identified as not being
   Year 2000 compliant, you will be told to download the appropriate Sun
   Year 2000 patch. SunScan 2000 will also help you to identify areas
   where there is a failure to meet Year 2000 product compliance with any
   Sun products running on your system. By recognizing potential problem
   areas, exposure in the environment can be decreased.

The commerical tool available for Solaris platform is called Time Machine.

For more info about Time Machine, please e-mail:Harrison Caldwell at

I think I will try the sunscan first to check the hardware and software.

Thanks again for all the good info.

Zion Huang
Original Question:

To All Helpers:

We are using Solaris 2.6 on Ultra Enterprise II 2200 systems.

We are looking for tools to do Y2K test on the Solaris box. I just wonder
what kind of Y2K testing tool that this list users are using and what
experience that you had with it.

I have heard product such as HourGlass 2000 which can do comprehensive
date-simulation for testing program without changing system clock. Could I
find any similar product for Solaris platform?

Thanks in advance and I will summarize.


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