Dear Sun Managers,
Among the answers I got for my question How to debug why my machine reboots
often (Solaris 2.6).
1. /var/adm/messages
2. add "*.* /var/log/all" to /etc/syslog.conf (see man syslog.conf)
After collected information, take the line out. Watch your disk space in
The first thing I'd suggest is to get core dumps when the machine crashes.
There's a command called 'savecore' which runs at boot-up, and checks for
the presence of kernel core files. By default, though, it's commented out
of /etc/rc2.d/S20sysetup. Just uncomment the lines near the bottom of the
file (make sure wherever you save the file has enough disk space, because
the file could be pretty large).
Once you have this file, use a utility called ISCDA (Initial System Crash
Dump Analysis) found on SunSolve (or email me if you can't find it) to get
more information about what happened.
Another thing you could do is add a line to your /etc/syslog.conf . I use
something like this:
*.debug;mail.none /var/log/debug
debug is a low severity logging level, and often gives _plenty_ of extra
information. You'll have to restart the syslogd. Also remember that
/etc/syslog.conf needs tabs, not spaces.
My question:
Hello all: the Sun machine I have (Solaris 2.6) reboots often on its own and I
am trying to figure out why.
1. is there a log file I can look into what the problem was?
2. Can I set some flag to make sure that the OS logs all the messages for debugging
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