SUMMARY: Finding out what is chewing up disk space

From: Stephen Kelly (
Date: Fri Aug 20 1999 - 02:41:16 CDT

Hi everyone,

Bit of a late summary.

Many people forwarded me variations on the find command, all of which
helped somewhat. I have not yet been able to identify what is chewing up
the space, but I'm sure with persistent use of the help given I will soon
have something to work with. Unfortunately the file system has hundreds of
files and directories, which doesn't make the job any easier.

I'll try to list everyone who emailed me with some help.

Ray Saddler, who provided the most comprehensive help, and
persisted with me for quite some time. He provided a number of variation of
find and sort.

Alan Orndorff, who suggested tripwire could be used to help in this situation

Michael Cunningham, who suggested lsof for solaris, which I am going to try
very shortly.

Marina.Daniels, who provided another variation on the find command

Benedetto lo Giudice, who suggest, among other things, quot.

Esther Muller, who provided another way of utilising a find and compare.

If anyone is interested in the exact strings these people suggested, please
contact me directly, as listing them would become even spammy.

Thanks for your help everyone,
I hope I haven't left anyone out.


Steve Kelly
*** Stephen Kelly | Ph(08) 9360 6638
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