Well that was quick. Thanks go to
Jacqueline Rosinsky (who hit it right on the head).
Jeff Miller
Jose Salicrup
Caspar Dik
The problem:
John> We just bought a PGX32 graphics card for an engineer on an Ultra5
John> running Solaris 2.5.1 11/97. It installed properly, but CDE doesn't
John> come up properly. I've looked in the archives, but there's nothing
John> specifically related to this.
John> I see in the installation manual that it requires Solaris 2.6 to run
John> properly. Sigh... is there any way I can get around without having to
John> upgrade the OS on the system?
John> Can I install CDE 1.2 on there and make it work that way?
John> I guess I'm a little bummed because the sun.com web pages don't
John> explicitly mention this limitation, they blithely say you can use the
John> card on an Ultra 5 without problems.
The PGX32 will work under solaris 2.5.1 without any problems. The
steps are:
1. install the software
2. apply patch 107851-03 (latest one for me)
3. reboot
4. play with GFXconfig -i from a console window.
We can't upgrade to CDE 1.2 on Solaris 2.5.1, but we don't need to
John Stoffel - Senior Unix Systems Administrator - Lucent Technologies
stoffel@lucent.com - http://www.lucent.com - 978-952-7548
john.stoffel@ascend.com - http://www.ascend.com
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