SUMMARY: unchmodable of /home sol2.7

From: Andreas Gebhardt (
Date: Thu Dec 23 1999 - 08:40:38 CST

Hello managers,

I've got many replies on my question. Thanks for all the people
who replied - too much to list here.

The solution is:
In file /etc/auto_master:
comment the line

#/home auto_home -nobrowse

after that you can issue the command 'automount' or 'reboot'.
Then the system do not automount /home.
The reason is that in Solaris 7 the automounter does this by

Again tanks very much and have a wonderful Christmas!

Andreas Gebhardt

The original question was:
> new installation from sol1.x to sol2.7
> the directory /home have only the rights r-xr-xr-x
> and I can't change it (as su).
> I need this to install my old users to /home/users(etc.).
> How can I create sub-dir in /home ?
> MfG
> Dominik

|                           |
| Andreas Gebhardt            Richard Hirschmann GmbH & Co.    |
| Dipl.-Ing.(FH)              Stuttgarter Strasse 45-51        |
|                             72654 Neckartenzlingen           |
| Automation and              Phone: (+49) (0)7127/14-1636     |
| Networking Solutions        Fax  : (+49) (0)7127/14-1600     |
| Operational Software |

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