Hi All.
I got two answers from my question, which was this:
I'm getting a weird message when I try to boot my Solaris for Intel box;
WARNING: iprb0: no MII link detected. So my routing is all screwed up.
This is Solaris 2.7 on an Intel 450 box. Any ideas? Thanks.
Richard Sullivan wrote:
I had the same issue. Try reconfiguring your interface card and manually
edit the routing tables. Put the desired routes in the /etc/init.d/inetinit
file and bounce the box.
I did that and it didn't work.
The other respondent, Karl MacMillan, hit the nail on the head with this:
This normally means that the network cable is faulty or not plugged in -
basically there is no link.
Turns out my office mate had disconnected our hub and he didn't tell me.
Grant Lowe
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