firstly, thanks to everyone who responded to my query about upgrading a
DLT4000 to a DLT1.
I've discovered that because the DLT1 is only read-compatible with the
DLT4000, we have to install both drives.
The DLT1 is a Tandberg drive (info at which is not fully
backward compatible and not compatible at all with the DLT7000
drives. It uses a standard DLT command set, so should be able to be set
using the "dlt" setting in Networker.
Because we're keeping both drives, a boot -r will be necessary, but it was
the general consensus that a boot -r should be done anyway if I had just
replaced the dlt4k with the dlt1, but probably wasn't necessary in that
Also, my /kernel/drv/st.conf doesn't specify densities with any device
definitions, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Solaris will deal with it
I'll post a post-summary after I actually add the drive with the
outcome. I'll be adding a new pool to Networker to only do the monthlies
on the DLT1. we'll see how things go.
thanks again to everyone for all the prompt and helpful responses. hope
you all have a good break.
-- Spiro Harvey UNIX System Administrator NEC NZ Ltd sunmanagers mailing list
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